Remember that time you went
without your phone?
Trusted by Shopify stores
Powered by our partners
Supported payment methods
3-minute setup.
Simple to set up. No demos. No calls.
Signup and install the custom Shopify app. Your customers will then scan the QR-code to check out. No commitments.
Instant order creation on your Shopify dashboard. The order is created right on customer checkout, along with a customer record populated with their email.
100% secure PCI-compliant checkout. We have partnered with Stripe so that we can easily offer your customers all modern payment methods, such as Apple and Google Pay.
Scan intelligence. Get detailed information on what your customers scan the most. Reduce the number of abandoned baskets and increase your average basket value.
Easy to track fees that scale on-demand.
Let us help your staff by taking care of checkouts.
Set and forget, it just works.
Self-checkout basket values exceed traditionally checked-out baskets by 25%.
We accept that retail is a challenging space. We thus work closely with our clients to ensure our software is delivering value to both your customers and staff.
Your brand throughout the customer journey.
Our product can be white-labeled, without ever leaving our platform.
Upload your logo and customise your QR code. We align with your brand strategy.